Layout Principle

The individual brand elements grow together in the layout principle. Logo, typo, colours, symbols and image world grow together to a unique appearance and differentiate the brand optically unmistakable from the others. The white space is a good friend: it ensures balance and lets the elements breathe.


The size of the important brand elements logo and SmartTag and the overall layout is always in relation to the area. From the area diagonal D, the value x is calculated via the multiplier 0.09, which is the basis for the grid of the layout principle. The layout principle of the parent brand and the subbrands is different.




The red line at the end of the text block is to be understood as a “call-to-action”. This can be, for example, a link to the homepage or an invitation to visit, call etc. Please never use the passage for other purposes.



Smart Tag

Our secondary Smart Tag is available in Active Red or Smart Green. Each Secondary Smart Tag has two versions, the black version with black typography and white version with white typography. With the Secondary Smart Tag, the Tagline and Smartline may be used in a versatile way, depending on the background color. If the background is white or light in color then the black version is most suitable. Contrarily, if the background is black or dark, then the white version is most suitable. In countries where the tagline is translated, the version for translations with * is used.

Variant 1: Primary Smart Tag

It is made up of black and white and works best when placed on an image or a solid background color. The primary Smart Tag should be used wherever possible.

Variant 3-6: Secondary Smart Tag

With the secondary Smart Tag, the Tagline and Smartline may be used in a versatile way, depending on the background color. If the background is light in color then the black version is most suitable. Contrarily, if the background is dark, then the white version is most suitable.

Variant 2: Exceptional Smart Tag

The exceptional case Smart Tag is used where printing in color is technically impossible or simply not feasible.


Translation of the claim

Our tagline “Engineering Progress. Enhancing Lives” is always used in English. In France and Ukraine we are legally committed to translate the claim in the immediate surrounding of the SmartTag. Here the special version of the SmartTag with “*” is used and the claim is added in the local language.

Ukraine Claim

Прискорюємо прогрес. Покращуємо життя.

French Claim

Nos avancées technologiques. Votre confort au quotidien.

Engineering progress

Enhancing lives

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